Intuitive wisdom keeper, sound healer, embodiment guide, Soul Voice® teacher and practitioner. I am Frisian and born on a farm in Friesland, the Netherlands. Our home was surrounded by endless nature, water and green fields. Nature has always been a big inspiration for me and led me to spend over 20 years studying Molecular Plant Science.
Being curious and drawn to indigenous cultures, I received life changing insights in ceremonies with ancient traditions from Canada. This was the start of a deep personal healing journey that brought me back to my heart and ancestral roots. My Danish teacher and spiritual guide, Karina Schelde, illuminated the path for me to find my own voice for empowerment and transformation towards my way back home -Within.
With passion and joy, I love sharing the treasures of my journey guiding friends and beyond to find their own authentic voice -a return home within ourselves for a meaningful, empowered and joyful life.